
Thursday Week 3 Response

Using the Classify structured data using Keras Preprocessing Layers you prepared for today’s class as a model example, train, validate and test a model that has wealth class as the target as follows.

Import the dataset country_persons.csv to your PyCharm environment
Initially set the target to the least wealthy class, 1 in this case, and set all other wealth class outcomes to 0 (2,3,4 & 5)
Train, validate and test your model
Interpret and analyze your results. Did the model performance exhibit a particular trend?

The dataset is country_persons.csv. There are 14 features and 1 target. The features are: hhid, unit, weights, location, size, potable, toilet, electric, car, cook, wealth, pnmbr, gender, age, and education.
The four features dropped from dataset are: hhid, pnmbr, unit, weights. The problem under investigation here is whether we can find a relation between any of these 14 features to wealth – that is whether and how do the features or combination of the feature reflect the wealth.

The first step is to convert this problem or dataset rather into a binary one before we build and train the model. Five models were built and trained, each with a different ‘wealth’ assigned to 1 with the other ‘wealth’ classes set to 0.

dataframe['target'] = np.where(dataframe['wealth']==1, 1, 0) 
dataframe['target'] = np.where(dataframe['wealth']==2, 1, 0) 
dataframe['target'] = np.where(dataframe['wealth']==3, 1, 0) 
dataframe['target'] = np.where(dataframe['wealth']==4, 1, 0) 
dataframe['target'] = np.where(dataframe['wealth']==5, 1, 0)

The numeric features are: size, age. The categorical features encoded as integers are: gender, education. The categorical feature encoded as strings are: location, potable, toilet, electric, car, cook.

Here are the TEST accuracy values for each model:

{“1’s test accuracy”: 0.789921224117279, “2’s test accuracy”: 0.7392160892486572, “3’s test accuracy”: 0.7952094674110413, “4’s test accuracy”: 0.8825176358222961, “5’s test accuracy”: 0.9594566822052002}

see plot of accuracy for comparison across all five models: plot of accuracies

Trend: except for the second model, which accuracy decreased from first model’s, the accuracies have shown a pattern of increase as we increase value of “wealth”.
So these features are more accurate at predicting the wealthier demographics of the country.

Here is a link to teammate Ethan’s webpage: